Monday, March 15, 2010

No Flag in Haiti?!?!!!

I will apologize upfront for any language on this but I'm pissed.

I read an article in The USA Today today that really chapped my ass. Here is the link (well it won't let me link it. If you go to and search "US flag in Haiti" you can find the article. The full article is "Absence of US Flag in Haiti Sparks Controversy)

For those of you that don't want to read the article the gist of it is we aren't flying the stars and stripes over our encampments in Haiti because "flying the flag could give Haiti the wrong idea."

"We are not here as an occupation force, but as an international partner committed to supporting the government of Haiti on the road to recovery" That from the US government's Haiti Joint Information Center.

As a veteran, the grandson of a veteran, the son of a veteran, the nephew of a veteran, the brother of a veteran and a friend of numerous veterans, this really chaps my ass. I'm sick and tired of all this "political correctness". If my country's flag is going to offend you because it is flying over an encampment that we set up specifically to bail your ass out of a jamb, maybe you don't need our help. I proudly served under the stars and stripes stateside, and most of my relatives have served overseas and to see this great country afraid to offend somebody by flying our flag is just plain wrong.

It wouldn't be so bad, but every other country that has set up a military compound is flying their flag. To me it is a smack in the face that our government will not let our men and women fly our great flag in fear that it might upset some Haitians. Especially given the fact that we are supplying more aid in money and manpower than any other nation.

Wake up Obama administration. Fly our flag proudly or quit helping out the rest of the world. If the rest of the world is going to feel threatened because we fly our flag over our compound while we are bailing them out, then stop bailing them out. I'm sure there are places the money being spent down there could be used back home.

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