Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Saw one of my favorite people in Chicago today. The guy on the corner selling, of all things, socks. I'd like to know what he pulls down a day. I mean I have never once in my life been driving down the road and thought to myself "Boy I really wish I had a new pair of socks right now." It's not exactly an impulse purchase.

The guy selling bottled water, genius. Candy bars, I bet he's doing ok. Flowers, you bet. Even the guy selling dish towels, I can see where that might be an impulse purchase on a hot day to mop your brow. But socks? Really?

I do admire the guys spirit though. At least he's out there trying to do something. And who knows maybe somebody forgot to put their socks on today and really needs a pair.

So here's to you Mr. Socks on the corner salesman. May you keep everyone's feet warm and dry.

Friday, March 19, 2010


I was at work today and had a fairly normal, run of the mill close call with a car at a road crossing. I'd estimate we missed him by about 5 seconds or so. That got me to thinking about timing and how every day run of the mill decisions can have huge, long term effects on our lives. 5 seconds doesn't seem like a lot, but it was a lifetime for that guy. It was the difference between continuing on to his destination or catching a 10,000 ton train in his driver's side window. I started thinking about what if I had been going a couple of miles per hour faster, or if I had accelerated harder from my last stop, or if he had dropped his keys getting in the car. That turns my seemingly normal decision to run 30 mph instead of 33 or 34 a life changing decision.

In turn that made me think about some of the other seemingly innocent decisions we make that alters your life. My son Nathan is a great example of this. If I stop at any one of the half dozen or so gas stations I passed on my way to work everyday instead of going out of my way to go to the OneStop station out by the interstate I never meet his mom. If I don't meet his mom, we never fall in love and the poor little guy never exists. That is one seemingly meaningless decision in my life I'm glad I made (and I bet he's glad too). See mom, you should be happy I'm a smoker, if not I don't have the 2 great sons I have and you miss out on 2 awesome grandkids.

I guess it's the chaos of this life that I find so interesting. The seemingly mundane things in life that could turn into life changing events. Do I stop here or there? If I go here I could meet the love of my life, but on the other hand she may in fact work there. Do I go the speedlimit, or a little under or over? One speed I could get drilled by the guy running the stop sign but at another I'll be ahead or behind, and there is no way to know for sure which is the right one. Just total chaos with no way to know the right or wrong answer until after the fact. Keeps us on our toes doesn't it?

Monday, March 15, 2010

No Flag in Haiti?!?!!!

I will apologize upfront for any language on this but I'm pissed.

I read an article in The USA Today today that really chapped my ass. Here is the link www.usatoday.com/news/world/2010-03-14-haiti-flap.htm (well it won't let me link it. If you go to www.usatoday.com and search "US flag in Haiti" you can find the article. The full article is "Absence of US Flag in Haiti Sparks Controversy)

For those of you that don't want to read the article the gist of it is we aren't flying the stars and stripes over our encampments in Haiti because "flying the flag could give Haiti the wrong idea."

"We are not here as an occupation force, but as an international partner committed to supporting the government of Haiti on the road to recovery" That from the US government's Haiti Joint Information Center.

As a veteran, the grandson of a veteran, the son of a veteran, the nephew of a veteran, the brother of a veteran and a friend of numerous veterans, this really chaps my ass. I'm sick and tired of all this "political correctness". If my country's flag is going to offend you because it is flying over an encampment that we set up specifically to bail your ass out of a jamb, maybe you don't need our help. I proudly served under the stars and stripes stateside, and most of my relatives have served overseas and to see this great country afraid to offend somebody by flying our flag is just plain wrong.

It wouldn't be so bad, but every other country that has set up a military compound is flying their flag. To me it is a smack in the face that our government will not let our men and women fly our great flag in fear that it might upset some Haitians. Especially given the fact that we are supplying more aid in money and manpower than any other nation.

Wake up Obama administration. Fly our flag proudly or quit helping out the rest of the world. If the rest of the world is going to feel threatened because we fly our flag over our compound while we are bailing them out, then stop bailing them out. I'm sure there are places the money being spent down there could be used back home.

March Madness

Ahhh, yes it's that time of year again...NCAA March Madness. The second sign that spring is around the corner, the first being the start of spring training. It's time to dust off the ol' crystal ball and see how far you can get.

This time of year is especially agonizing for me. My sister and I have filled out brackets for years with the same bet, the loser buys dinner. Truth be told it has nothing to do with dinner. I'm not sure either of us has paid up in a couple of years. The deal is year long bragging rights. Nothing like sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner and being reminded how you got your ass kicked way back in March :-).

So today I will stare at brackets all day. Fill them out, throw them away and fill them out again. Do I take a 12 over a 5 in the South, or maybe an 11 over a 6 in the West? What do you do when you get done and realize you have all number 1's in the Final Four? And then there is the age old question, how far will Gonzaga go this year? And don't forget the ever important play in game. We always pick opposites on the play in game and a couple of years ago that was the difference between talking smack at Thanksgiving or having to sit there and take it.

Truth is, I love it, and love the competition with my sister. So enjoy the tournament, and look for a celebratory post on or about April 5th after I kick my sister April's ass.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Your Powder Got Wet

Several years (ok it could be classified as many) ago, back when I was about 15 or so, my dad and I used to spend quite a bit of time out by the river. There was a guy named Irvin that lived out by there. Irvin was an odd duck to put it nicely. Nice guy but really odd.

One fall morning dad and I were out deer hunting. We came out of the woods and headed to the truck just as about 3 or 4 other guys were coming out of the woods as well. We all started chewing the fat and "tailgate hunting". Somehow the subject of muzzle loaders came up and that's when the fun began. Our boy Irvin started into a rant as to why he hated muzzle loaders. If there was ever a time I wished for a video camera this was it. He went on for about 5 minutes about it, but the most memorable line he used was "When your powder gets wet, your fucked." Ever since that day my dad and I have used that line as a metaphor for life. At that exact moment when you realize things are totally FUBAR your powder is wet.

Some examples:

Sundays NASCAR race, when Brad Kesolowski's rear wheels left the pavement...his powder got wet.

When Mike Tyson's lips touched Evander Hollyfields' ear, Evander experienced wet powder.

It's hard to say when exactly Tiger's powder got wet, but it is soaked right now.

Some real world examples:

Your in bed with your girlfriend and your wife's key hits the door...you are about to experience wet powder.

Had a few beers at the bar and the red and blue lights come on on the way home. Yep your powder is wet too.

Your boat motor is in gear and you pull the starter cord anyway (dad)...more than your powder is gonna get wet.

You bought all those new clothes and your husband got the mail with the credit card statement in it...yep ladies your powder can get wet too.

Well I think you get the idea. It's a fun little thing my dad and I do. I'd love to hear any of your "powder got wet" stories. Feel free to leave them in the comments. You can even do it anonymously to protect the guilty.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I went to my mailbox the other day and was excited to see I had an envelope from the US Census Bureau. I sat down at my desk anxious to do my civic duty and fill out the form and get it sent in. That and the fact that if I left it on my desk to do later it would get lost in the sea of paper clutter and I'd get it sent in sometime late in 2013. So I opened the envelope ready to get down to business. Imagine my surprise when there wasn't a form in there. Just a letter telling me the form would be there in about a week. WTF?!?!? Do we really need a warning that the Census is coming? Unless you've been living in a cave the last 3 months I'm pretty sure you know it's coming. And even if not, the official form should sufice, the warning letter seems like a waste to me.

It just so happens at our union meeting last month we were talking about how much it costs the local to send out ballots for a vote. We have roughly 50 people in our union and the officials said it costs about $200 to send out ballots. That's for postage, paper, printing etc. I'm rounding off to make the math easy but it's in the ballpark. So using those numbers as a guide I figure it costs about $2 a person to send out those mailers for the union.

Now according too http://www.factfinder.census.gov/ as of 3/10/2010 the nations population is estimated at 308,837,740 people. Just as a guess lets say there are 4 people to every household in America, 308,837,740 divided by 4 is 77,209,435. Now lets say the government gets a really good deal on paper and printing etc and can do it for $1 instead of $2 although we all know this is the land of the $600 government hammer. So by my rough calculations the government spent roughly 78 MILLION dollars on this little mailer to let you know the actual census starts next week.

Now in this day and age of unemployment, budget cuts and red ink, is this really the best way to spend our taxpayer money? 78 million could go a long way toward education and keeping teachers working, or maybe fixing some of our aging infastructure, or even medical research. Anything but a mostly useless mailing to let you know another mailing is on the way.

I think the census is important, and I look forward to filling out my form, I just don't see the point of the "warning" that it's coming. I'm pretty sure most of us could have figured out the form was coming when we got it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Holes in the Freezer

"I just shot six holes in my freezer. I think I've got cabin fever. Somebody sound the alarm"

That is a quote from a Jimmy Buffett song, can't think of the song title at the moment, but the sentiment is the same. The only reason I haven't shot holes in my freezer is ammo is expensive and I'm pretty sure that shooting your freezer in an evictable offense per the lease on my apartment. At any rate, I have a severe case of cabin fever right now and the warm weather hasn't done much to alleviate it. It seems it has made it worse. Probably because I've been stuck working but it still sucks.

I think my problem is I don't have any winter time hobbies. Everything I do for fun revolves around summer, baseball, motorcycles, skydiving. None of which lends itself to winter. Not to mention I HATE being cold, and I equally hate having to bundle up. It seems like all I do in the winter is lay around and gain weight. And that wasn't a problem until I hit my 30's. I feed off of adrenaline and I haven't found a way to get that fix in the winter yet, and this winter has seemed longer, colder and harsher than most.

So I think what I'm going to do is plan a trip to Punksatawnee (as soon as I figure out how to spell it) and put 6 holes in that little rodent that says winter was going to last 6 more weeks instead of in my freezer. I might put him in my freezer though. Does anyone have any good recipes for groundhog?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Hand Sanitizers...yes or no?

I read an article today in the USA Today. It was in the "Across the USA" section, which if you aren't familiar with the paper is a thing they do where they take a news item from every state. It's really pretty interesting, especially on a slow news day but I digress.

There was an article in the "US Territory" section datelined Puerto Rico. The gist of the article was that the FDA was warning of a couple of hand sanitizer brands that may be unsafe because they contain high levels of bacteria. This really made me scratch my head in wonder. I thought the whole point of hand sanitizer was to kill bacteria and germs. I thought this stuff was like kryptonite to the little buggers, but apparently they grow some really good bacteria in Puerto Rico.

So now I'm left to wonder, is it worth it to carry some sanitizer. Sure you might be killing what's on your hands, but you could be replacing those with some of these strong little bastards that apparently feed on the stuff. Kind of reminds me of the mosquitoes around the Iroquois River where as Off just makes you smell bad and attracts more mosquitoes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not some Monkish germophobe. I probably don't wash my hands nearly enough, but at the same time I like to believe my immune system is stronger for it. I'm just having a hard time wrapping my little brain around the concept of a substance designed to kill something actually harboring what it was designed to kill off.

So, dear readers, like the line in the movie Airplane says..."The decision is yours." As for me I think I'm going to go wash my hands.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

An open letter to Little League parents

Well, it's that time of year, the smell of leather and the crack of the bat. Yep, Little League is just around the corner. So I thought it would be timely to offer some tips for the new Little League parent and some reminders for you pros.

First some background on me. I played Little League from the time I was 6 until I was 13 and moved on to Babe Ruth and High School ball. Over the last 20 years (holy cow has it been that long?) I've volunteered in various capacity. Everything from field maintenance, to assistant coach, to head coach, to my present love of umpire.

First and most importantly, Little League is for the kids. It's not for you (the parent) to relive past glory or to live vicariously through your youngster. Above all else, make it fun for your kid and don't put undo pressure on them. It's not game 7 of the World Series, it's Little League. I think there should be a Constitutional amendment banning yelling at a ballplayer that makes less than 500K/yr. Kids will strike out and make errors, it's part of the game, even Arod does it. It accomplishes nothing for you to sit in the stands and yell at the kid that did it. So ease up and offer words of encouragement, it'll be a lot better for everyone.

Second thing to remember is everyone you see on the field is a VOLUNTEER. That goes for coaches, umpires, grounds crew, you name it. We all do it for the kids and love of the game. Coaches put in countless hours of their own time so your kids can play ball. Cut them a little slack, they are human and will make some mistakes. Same goes for us umpires. We are there on our own time so your kids can play. We are going to miss some calls, we are human. Usually when I miss one I know it as soon as I've called it. Problem is I can't change my call. I feel bad but the game moves on. Let's face it, if I was any good at it I'd be working at Fenway Park not Concord Little League. Sooner or later I'm gonna hose your kid, and I'm sorry but it happens. You being belligerent because I called Jr out at first on a bang bang play doesn't help matters and doesn't help Jr learn sportsmanship.

Third, please come out and support your child. I know it can be tough in today's world of go go go, but try to make the time to come out to at least some of the games. Your child will really appreciate the effort. They may not show it outwardly, but deep down they are glad you came out to watch in the 40 degree weather. On that topic, we aren't babysitters. If the coach says practice will be over at 6, it's imperative that you are there to pick up your kids at 6. We can't leave until all the kids are picked up. We need to get home to our families and take care of our things too. A little courtesy goes a long way. There isn't much worse for a kid or a coach than practice being over at 6 and it's 6:30 and still no parent to pick them up. So please try to be on time to pick them up after practice.

So come out and support your kids and your local Little League. If you have the time and are so inclined volunteer, there is always something that needs done and it can be a very rewarding experience.

With that, lets PLAY BALL

Hello and Welcome


Thanks for stopping by. First off I'll explain the name of this blog a little. Unique we seek is the first half of a saying my dad saw on the back of a saturday night short track stock car. The full saying is "Unique we Seek, Bizarre we Are". This one phrase pretty much sums up my life. What I find unique, a lot of people find bizarre, so there we go.

As far as what to expect, that's hard to say, hence the title. Could be anything from commentary on a news story that catches my eye, or an observation I made at Walmart, maybe even fond memories from childhood. Basically whatever crosses my mind and moves me to write.

With that said, if you don't count the occasional bathroom wall, the only thing that qualifies me as a writer is an internet connection, a lot of time to think and an opinion. As long as you aren't looking for Bill Shakespeare or Carl Sandburg we should be ok.

So sit down, crack a beer, buckle up and enjoy the ride. I don't know where we are going, but we are making damn good time.